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El viernes 24 de noviembre se realizó la Jornada de Habilidades Motrices, en la que los estudiantes de preescolar y primaria desarrollaron diferentes actividades de atletismo de pista (carreras de velocidad, relevos, resistencia y cross country), así como habilidades de atletismo de campo (lanzamiento de pelota, lanzamiento de aro, impulsión de balón medicinal y lanzamiento de jabalina), pruebas que se realizan en el atletismo escolar. 

Dentro de las actividades de habilidades motrices, los estudiantes de preescolar pudieron realizar carreras de monopatín, bicicleta y/o patines, y se realizó la final del torneo de amarrado de zapatos, actividades novedosas que fueron acogidas de manera masiva por los estudiantes. 

Agradecemos a todos los estudiantes, sus familias y en general a todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa, por el apoyo en el desarrollo de las actividades deportivas que hacen parte de la formación integral de todos nuestros estudiantes.


On Friday, November 24th, Motor Skills Day took place, where preschool and primary school students were able to engage in various track and field activities. These included track athletics such as sprinting, relays, endurance, and cross-country running. Additionally, students participated in field athletics, including ball throwing, hoop throwing, medicine ball pushing, and javelin throwing—these are the standard events in school athletics. As a new addition to the motor skills activities, preschool students had the opportunity to participate in skateboard, bicycle, and/or
rollerblade races. The shoelace-tying tournament final also took place, and these activities were enthusiastically embraced by the students. We extend our gratitude to all the students, their families, and, in general, to all members of the educational community for their support in the development of these sports activities, which are an integral part of the comprehensive education of all our students.

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